Dr. Kipiani is a Primerio legal advisor focusing on both African and European Union competition and regulatory matters. A member of the Brussels Bar, she is also a Researcher at the University of Angers (France) and a former Visiting Research Fellow at Fordham University. She holds a PhD in Competition Law, having published her award-winning thesis dealing with commitment decisions (“Les engagements en matière de pratiques anticoncurrentielles, Analyse des droits Européen, Français et Américain“, L.G.D.J. Lextenso Editions, 2014) and is a Senior lecturer both in France and Cameroon. She has also published a number of articles in her field. In addition, since 2010, Dr Kipiani chairs the Legal Department of the African Women’s League (AWL) based in Brussels. In this regard, she has given speeches and seminars and has carried out some joint consultancy works with different African embassies and consulates.